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Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative & Optimised urban freight metamodel

for a new generation of urban logistics & planning with data sharing at European Living Labs


DISCO will develop and demonstrate a federated European Urban Freight data space as one stop shop of data sharing on digital urban logistics solutions and smart tools for ambitious decision making. It's ambition is to accelerate transformation of urban planning and land use by capitalising on the value of shared data.


Horizon Europe

Our role

Technical WP Leader

Start date

May 2023


42 months


The challenge.

Climate change is the foremost worldwide challenge. According to the World Health Organization, around 40 million people in the 115 largest cities in the EU are exposed to air exceeding air quality guideline values.The Urban Mobility Framework certified that greenhouse gas emissions from transport need to be drastically reduced by 2030, also calling for a harmonisation of SULPs with SUMPs. Priorities of the EU Green Deal and the EU Mission goals to reduce climate emissions by 55% by 2030 and for cities to become climate-neutral by 2050, cannot be met only by vehicles decarbonisation targets.

Decarbonisation targets

Logistics Sprawl

Inefficient urban space management

Approach & solutions.

DISCO aims at fast-tracking the adoption of new generation of urban logistics and smart planning solutions, enabling the transition to decarbonised and digital cities.

  • DISCO CURB, for dynamic streets space management and flexible use of the curb side.
  • DISCO PROXI, for optimising the use of city space and logistics facilities for last mile deliveries
  • DISCO BAY, for transforming bays to multimodal distribution centres
  • DISCO ESTATE, for enabling the multi-purpose use of unutilised buildings space

Core to DISCO activities is the setup of a collaboratively managed European Urban Freight Data Space for supporting high end data-driven services. The Data Space will act as an open data farm supporting cities in their transformation process towards NetZero achievements by 2030.

Living Labs

Deployment of DISCO solutions in twelve European cities.

DISCO’s results will be deployed and demonstrated to:
4 Starring Living Labs - Copenhagen (DK), Ghent (BE), Thessaloniki (EL), and Helsinki (FI)
4 Twinning Living Labs - Padua (IT), Barcelona (ES), Valencia (ES), and Zaragoza (ES)
Early Adopters - Prague (CZ), Piacenza (IT), Aarhus (DK) and North Hesse (DE).









Our role.

Inlecom Innovation leads WP3: The Urban Freight Data Space for NetZero cities, which aims at implementing suitable technologies for the provision and integration of data to procure for business model development, product development or process optimization in a networked DISCO environment, whilst allowing secure UF data sharing.

Learn more about the project

This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under GA 101103954. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.